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Integrity Testing

Fugro Loadtest provides a wide range of ancillary services. The local services vary in different regions around the world. Please contact your local Fugro office to discuss your needs.

Integrity Testing
Fugro Loadtest has many years of experience performing low strain integrity testring and cross hole sonic logging (CHSL) tests and analyses. Directly or through one of our local offices Fugro Loadtest can provide a variety of foundation integrity testing services, analysis or expert advise and consulting.

PDF Integrity testing

PDF Cross Hole Sonic logging

Thermal Integrity Profiling
The Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP) uses the heat generated by curing cement to assess the quality of bored piles, continuous flight auger or driven/displacement cast-in-place piles. It may also be used for quality control and shape evaluation of jet grouting, slurry walls and diaphragm walls. TIP evaluates the entire cross-section and the entire length of the foundation by the Thermal Testing Method.

The TIP THERMAL WIRE system we offer requires inclusion of sets of THERMAL WIRE cables (copper cables fitted with uniformly spaced temperature sensors), and Thermal Acquisition system to collect data soon after concreting. The cables are cast into the pile (often tied to the rebar cage). Through field measurements and data interpretation software, TIP can reveal necks or inclusions (regions that are colder than average); bulges (regions that are warmer than average); variations in concrete cover; shape of the shaft; and cage alignment.

PDF Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP)

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